Thursday, July 16, 2009

Forever our Freinds!!

On my last night in Santaquin we went over to Mortensens and had dinner with the Rowleys and the Sondereggers. It was so good to be together with them! I love all of these families so much!! I have so much respect and love for each of them.
This is Emily, me and Liberty! We served in Young Womens together and I would have to say that we had a blast!! Liberty thought I was a very serious person until we worked together. I think she laughs about that now!! We had fun acting like we were still teenagers!!
Lora and INathan and Larisa!Cooper came and stood right underneath me and asked me to take his picture!! He is such a precious soul!!Do you think he likes the monkeys???My cute Tia!!Brian R and TylerChris MAbby loving her Root Beer Float!!Tyler!
Taylr, Maris, Molly and Larisa!
What goes up...
must come down!!!
Now each of these families say the are coming out to visit - Don't you think they should???


AKA Rosa said...

That is a very cute picture of you and Lora! WOW you had lots of reunions

Rebecca said...

I miss Santaquin. Great pictures.