Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sending our Love!!

My cute sister Kathy organized a balloon send off for the grandchildren!! Thanks Kathy! Thanks also for hosting us and feeding us!! The children enjoyed writing a love note to grandma and then sending it off! It was a great experience and I am sure that Grandma loved it!! I know that she felt all of their love!!!

Cute little Anna!

Melanie - the oldest grandchild!
Tiana - I love her message!

My sweet Larisa - she loves her grandparents a lot!!!

Paul and Bentley one of grandma's great grandsons!

Ready - Set - Let go!!!

Sending off our Love!!!

We Love you!!!


I love the cemetery where my parents are buried. It is a beautiful spot in American Fork with the gorgeous Mt. Timp behind it!! When ever I would come before my mom passed away I would look at the headstone and I could feel the great separation - my dad in heaven, my mom on earth. It always made me sad! This time although I was so very sad for me and my family, I felt great joy in the fact that my parents were finally back together!! They had an amazing love story!!

The carrying of the casket!
My brother -in-law dedicated the grave and did a beautiful job. It was fun for me to have some of my friends from Santaquin come and attend! We also enjoyed the Heimuli family visiting. I feel blessed to have great friends!

The West Children
David- Nancy - Me-Kathy-Lori and Tim!
We love you Mom and Dad!!! Thanks for being the wonderful parents that you have always been!!!

Mom's Funeral

The viewing and Funeral were beautiful! It was fun to see extended family and friends! There were many precious sweet and wonderful experience in the days before the funeral. When my dad passed away and we were all struggling to get through it, my mom turned to us and said, "Come on, it's going to be alright, we can do this - we can do hard things!" She said it in a cheerful tone and we will always remember it!! Her words came back to us all!! I know that we were each carried this day! I was very sad, but mostly, I just could feel how happy my mom was!! All of the girls sang a song, and we made it through most of it!! Chris gave a beautiful spiritual thought/talk! I love him! I read a poem that My mom wrote for her mother and then added about the gift of faith that my mother gave me. My sisters Lori and Kathy also shared memories. She had a special friend, a friend of my sister Kathy, who came once a week to visit with my mom for the last years - she also spoke. We were grateful for all those who took the time to attend the funeral.

If you want to see her video tribute from the viewing you can see it here!

This is the table that was set up for the viewing.

Some grandchildren saying good-bye!

I think the expression on my face says it all!

Saying good-bye as a family!

Seeing Family!

The day after my mom passed away my family packed up the car and drove across the nation to Utah for the funeral! We were blessed that the car worked and we arrived after 2 days. The girl decided that Wyoming was NOT their favorite state!

It is hard having my family spread across the nation. Sadly, I think that the last time we are ALL together last was at my dad's funeral. When we arrived we welcomed with all of my family! I am thankful that even with broken hearts, we were still able to find so much joy in each other! I think that the hardest part is that I kept looking for my mom - wondering why she wasn't out here with all of us!! I am sure that she was there in spirit along with my dad!

Somehow, when I took the pictures my brother David and his family weren't there! Sorry to leave your family out - I love you all though!!

3 Very strong spirits!!!
Tiana's special buddy Maxwell!
Tim and Lori
Melanie and Larisa!
Dawnielle and Riley
Melanie's cute boy Riley!!
Chris preparing his talk for the funeral
Katie and Larisa showing their newly painted nails!
Donnie (Kathy's Husband) and his Dad. His parents came and were a great help!!
Paul and Nicolas
So wonderful being a family!

A Good-bye Visit

I really thought when I first came to visit that I was just doing that! My sisters and I were going to laugh and we were sure that this would just perk my mother right up!! The first day that we were there my mom was moving slow and needed help, but she perked up as the day went on. She made my sister Lori and I laugh really hard and she was even was able to get up and walk around! She slept really well and my sister and I talked about how good the morning would be. Well, my mom had a hard time getting up and she really couldn't swallow. The hospice workers came in later that day and told us that she was in the first stages of dying. My heart broke! I wanted to yell and cry, not my mommy!! Then I reflected on a phone call that I had with her 2 weeks earlier. My mom knew that she was dying and called us all to let us know that she has had a good life and that she didn't want us to be sad when she passed away! She shared her testimony with us and wanted us to make sure that all of the grandchildren knew of her testimony! I love this woman!! My dad has been gone for 9 1/2 years now and my mom has missed him so very much!! When I thought of me I didn't want my mom to go!! When I thought of her, I knew I wanted her to be pain free, she has been in pain so long! I knew how much mom and dad love each other and I knew that they could begin their NEW mission together! My mom loved the Savior and I knew how much she longed to with him!! What wonderful reunions!! I knew I had to let go, I really didn't have a choice! I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and for the knowledge of his eternal plan for us!

The chaplain from hospice came and sang to my mother. He has been visiting her for over a year now and my mom would love to hear him come and sing. He brought so much peace and love with him! He thinks so highly of my mom and it was wonderful to listen to him and to get to know him. I was amazed as I meet the many people that had been working with my mother. They all had a story, they all loved my mom, they all had their loves touched by mom! I was speaking with one of the workers and he mentioned that he can see little pieces of my mom in each of the children. I told him that was a great compliment and that it was my goal to be just like my mom someday!! He looked at me and smiled and said, "You just set the bar very high! Your mom was one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met!" That she was!! The bar is very high, but I will try!

I was grateful to be with my sweet sisters at this time!!

My mom was in a deep sleeping state for a couple of days. She opened her eyes and talked a little with us for a couple of hours. This was a gift for us, as she told us sweet messages of love! Then she closed her eyes again. I slept in her room beside her holding her hand and these are precious memories to me! This is my little nephew Max - he lived fairly close by and loved to have sleepovers with grandma! He was tender in showing his love for grandma

My mom LOVED it when her daughters would sing together! I know that this is what helped me to develop my testimony! My mom had this book on her shelf and we would sing together or take turns singing to my mom! This brought so much peace to me!!

It was time for me to go back home - leaving was hard! I told my mom good- bye, hugged her and held her hand!

My sweet mother returned back home to her Heavenly Father the next morning! (May 18)

Mother's Day

This was a Mother's Day that I will never forget! There were a lot of wonderful thing that happened on this day, and a very difficult day too! Tiana was VERY excited about the gift that she made me! She asked if we could open up gifts first thing in the morning, how could I say no!!
This is Tiana's gift to me! She has this little spinning ball that has lights on it and stuck chocolates on it for me. You can plug it in and it spins around.
She made the little sign above it that says I can take a chocolate when I want one! She is creative!
She also made this card in school for me!
This is the poem she wrote!
Larisa gave me this cute little sculpture to put out by the pond. Chris was extra wonderful and bought me patio furniture to go out by the pool. He made me breakfast and dinner and made sure I didn't do an once of housework - I love you Chris!!

It is a tradition in our ward on Mother's Day to have all the women in the ward attend RS for 2 hours. We then have our Visiting Teaching Conference and then eat treats and visit!!! I love it! I REALLY love it when I don't have an responsibilities that day - this was not that year!

I was at home making little cheese cakes and thinking about all that needed to be done for the conference - I guess you could say I was stressing!! Then, my sister called, she let me know my mom was in the the hospital and that they weren't really sure if she would even make it through the day! My heart broke!! Not my sweet wonderful mother! What do you do, besides cry? It can be so hard living across the country! I was speaking for the conference, playing the piano, bringing food and I needed to be there, but my heart was broken!! My mom taught me that, "You can do hard things!" So I said a prayer for strength and went to church with my cell phone in one hand and Chris holding the other. I knew that I was being carried that day!

The Conference was actually wonderful!! I loved the music and the testimonies, and how can food go wrong when there is chocolate involved? My phone never rang - I felt better! I came home and was able to talk with my mother - she was doing better then they originally thought. I debated on whether to go to Utah or not, but purchased a ticket to go and spend the week in Utah. My sister Lori also decided to fly out. We were excited to go and have 4 sisters be together! In spite of the sadness, I felt so much gratitude to be a mother and so much gratitude for my wonderful mother!!! Being a mom is the best!! Having my mom - is having the best!!!

Debuting Artist!

Tiana was sooo excited to have her art work selected to be exhibited in the local art show! Tiana loves art! It was a blast to go and see her work.

Great Job Tiana!!
In front of the museum!
By her art work!
Her beautiful Picture!
We are all so proud of you Tiana!!

JV Cheer!!!

Yea, for Larisa!!! She made the JV Cheer team for High School next year!!! She is so excited!!! She wil be busy this summer with practices! Then in the fall - practices 3 times a week and a game once a week!! We love you Larisa!

Decade Day

Tiana had Decade Day at school! She decided to dress up as a 70's Hippy!!! She had fun putting it together and she made the headband!! Creative girl!!

Hurry! You'll be late!

Tiana was running late for school and I was trying to help her make it to the bus on time. I shouted, short simple commands, " Tia, Hurry! It's time! Brush and Bands!" Well, you never know how this little girls mind will work!!! She came in like this!
She made a sign that said hurry, grabbed her clock for time, but at least she remembered the brush and hair bands!! She makes life a lot of fun!!!