The day after my mom passed away my family packed up the car and drove across the nation to Utah for the funeral! We were blessed that the car worked and we arrived after 2 days. The girl decided that Wyoming was NOT their favorite state!
It is hard having my family spread across the nation. Sadly, I think that the last time we are ALL together last was at my dad's funeral. When we arrived we welcomed with all of my family! I am thankful that even with broken hearts, we were still able to find so much joy in each other! I think that the hardest part is that I kept looking for my mom - wondering why she wasn't out here with all of us!! I am sure that she was there in spirit along with my dad!
Somehow, when I took the pictures my brother David and his family weren't there! Sorry to leave your family out - I love you all though!!
3 Very strong spirits!!!
Cute pictures. I love the one of Larisa and Melanie. Not loving the one of me. I look like a wannabe drill team old lady.... complete with braces!!!!!!!! Love the picture of Chris... still reminds me of girls camp :)
So glad the funeral went so well. I've been bawling reading all of your posts! Losing our parents is sure hard! Thank goodness we know we will see them again!
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