This was a Mother's Day that I will never forget! There were a lot of wonderful thing that happened on this day, and a very difficult day too! Tiana was VERY excited about the gift that she made me! She asked if we could open up gifts first thing in the morning, how could I say no!!
It is a tradition in our ward on Mother's Day to have all the women in the ward attend RS for 2 hours. We then have our Visiting Teaching Conference and then eat treats and visit!!! I love it! I REALLY love it when I don't have an responsibilities that day - this was not that year!
I was at home making little cheese cakes and thinking about all that needed to be done for the conference - I guess you could say I was stressing!! Then, my sister called, she let me know my mom was in the the hospital and that they weren't really sure if she would even make it through the day! My heart broke!! Not my sweet wonderful mother! What do you do, besides cry? It can be so hard living across the country! I was speaking for the conference, playing the piano, bringing food and I needed to be there, but my heart was broken!! My mom taught me that, "You can do hard things!" So I said a prayer for strength and went to church with my cell phone in one hand and Chris holding the other. I knew that I was being carried that day!
The Conference was actually wonderful!! I loved the music and the testimonies, and how can food go wrong when there is chocolate involved? My phone never rang - I felt better! I came home and was able to talk with my mother - she was doing better then they originally thought. I debated on whether to go to Utah or not, but purchased a ticket to go and spend the week in Utah. My sister Lori also decided to fly out. We were excited to go and have 4 sisters be together! In spite of the sadness, I felt so much gratitude to be a mother and so much gratitude for my wonderful mother!!! Being a mom is the best!! Having my mom - is having the best!!!
I was at home making little cheese cakes and thinking about all that needed to be done for the conference - I guess you could say I was stressing!! Then, my sister called, she let me know my mom was in the the hospital and that they weren't really sure if she would even make it through the day! My heart broke!! Not my sweet wonderful mother! What do you do, besides cry? It can be so hard living across the country! I was speaking for the conference, playing the piano, bringing food and I needed to be there, but my heart was broken!! My mom taught me that, "You can do hard things!" So I said a prayer for strength and went to church with my cell phone in one hand and Chris holding the other. I knew that I was being carried that day!
The Conference was actually wonderful!! I loved the music and the testimonies, and how can food go wrong when there is chocolate involved? My phone never rang - I felt better! I came home and was able to talk with my mother - she was doing better then they originally thought. I debated on whether to go to Utah or not, but purchased a ticket to go and spend the week in Utah. My sister Lori also decided to fly out. We were excited to go and have 4 sisters be together! In spite of the sadness, I felt so much gratitude to be a mother and so much gratitude for my wonderful mother!!! Being a mom is the best!! Having my mom - is having the best!!!
What a wonderful and hard mother's day!! It truly will be memorable!
We really are so blessed to have been raised by such a remarkable mommy. I smiled as I read this post and all of the things you were doing on mothers day...... know why?? It is your mother that taught you to do all of those things at once. She really did set a high BAR didn't she:)
Being a Mom is the best. You are such a wonderful mom just like your mom was!
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