Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Flower Sale!

I was driving by a nursery and saw that they were having a sale and thought I would stop by and check it out!! - The sale was fill up a huge double decker cart with as many flowers as you want for------- guess-------$35!! I purchased all of these flowers for $35!! What a deal. Next year I will not buy any annuals until after the 4th!
Isn't that amazing!!!
The bad part- I have to plant them all!!!


Rebecca said...

Wow! Great deal!

Jodi Gallagher said...

That is a great deal! I love flowers. Your yard always is full of flowers.

AKA Rosa said...

I wish I could find a sale like that. We lost almost everything in the scourching heat the last couple of weeks. I don't know why I bother planting anything other than potato vines :(