Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day!!!

I turned on the news this morning and there were 3 school closings - we were one of them!! Yea! I was happy - Larisa was happy- Tiana bawled, it was suppose to a fun busy day at school! A friend asked Larisa if she could babysit and that meant Tiana could play - no more bawling - shouts of joy!! After that the same friend invited us to go sledding! So much fun! It is really cold and I am sure it was a good decision to cancel school!

Cute Friends!
Going Down!
Opps! Turned around!

I'm okay mom!Me Too!

Just a little snow in your face!


Unknown said...

Hi Valerie: Nice family pictures! Sue gave us the link to your blog. You haven't changed! Bob

Jodi Gallagher said...

We went sledding too! Sledding is so much fun!

Katie staten said...

So fun. Luke was so jealous that you got a snow day. I mean he got to miss 2 days of school, but I think he would have rather been at school.
I like the action shots!

David said...

Ah it makes me want to go sledding! --Serious sledding--adult sledding! Not that i don't enjoy the bunny hills with my kiddos!

Melanie, Shayne, Riley, Bently and Jaylen said...

Brrr! I remember when playing in the snow wasn't too cold! I built a little snowman with my 2 year olds the other day and I was freezing it was miserable! This might me my last comment to you until the spring... I have decided to hibernate for the winter! LOL! Cute pictures and yaay for snow days!