Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

The girls were so excited for it to be Christmas Eve Day! Infact, they had to stay up until 12:00 on Tuesday night so they could say Happy Christmas Eve Day! I had the day kind of planned, but all of the snow really changed it! I spent over 2 hours shoveling heavy wet snow - not my idea of holiday happiness!! Tia was a cutie and shoveled for another hour or so and Larisa cleaned up inside! I had fun cooking but decided that Chinese take-out may have to be a new tradition!!! We were blessed to have the Sister Missionaries come and join us for dinner and our Christmas Eve traditions! We had a yummy ham, twice baked potatoes, rolls, green beans and pies! We then sang lots of Christmas songs! We took off the ornaments with the names of Christ and looked up a scripture for each of them and shared them - it was really neat! Then we sang some more songs. We talked about Christmas in the Book of Mormon and sang another song. Then we opened up one present! The girls helped shop for the Sister missionaries and made them really cute cards! The girls were so happy to get footie PJ's! I soon found out that the number one reason they wanted them was so they could slide down the stairs a little faster! The girls slept together on Tiana's floor and talked about how excited they were - such a fun, sweet, warm, spiritual and exciting night!

1 comment:

AKA Rosa said...

WoW.. your girls are magical. They slept in the Tias room and by the tree. I am so confused. I am glad you took care of those cute little sisters. I think Kathy has it right....POT PIE from COSTCO on Christmas eve. I must say the leftovers have been nice though!