Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Recipe Book

Last month I followed a menu again and it saves me so much time and keeps us from going out to eat!! I found that if we plan out a month we can make a few adjustments the next month, but I can generally repeat the menu the next month. I have also been wanting to make a recipe book for my girls so I thought I would post them here and then print them out in a blog book for them later. My goal is to post 30 different meals and some of the treats that I make too! Sometimes things come up and we are not at home for dinner so it will take me longer than a month. I am sorry if this is boring for family and friends, but you can just skip over these post.


Katie staten said...

I find that even if I plan out a menu, I schedule times to go out to eat. I love to go out, cooking I love too, but it sure is nice that the mess is somewhere else once in a while.
I'm looking forward to some great recipes.

Robyn said...

Sounds good! Please share!