Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Salvation Army!

We had an amazing experience filling boxes at the Salvation Army. Our friends the Staples talked about doing it last year and we wanted to join in! I was so impressed with the amazing program that they have!! They had 600 boxes of Thanksgiving dinners to give those who were in need! I loved that they started off the event with prayer!! I love seeing the faith expressed by so many people!!! I love feeling the love for God expressed by people of so many various faiths! There are so many wonderful people!!!!

Chris handed out the boxes to fill.

Tiana and I walked around and had the boxes filled!

Larisa couldn't get out of cheer and unfortunately and missed it! Next year we will make sure she can attend! This is my friend Sonja and 2 of her children and neighbor!
The goal was to fill all the boxes and beat the record of 20+ minutes. Hurray, we had all 600 boxes filled in 18 minutes!! It was a wonderful night and a great kick off to the holiday season!


Jodi Gallagher said...

What a fun service project! Great Job!

AKA Rosa said...

What an awesome experience. I think it would have been cool to have seen that many boxes filled that fast.