Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cabin Fever!!!

I use to look at pictures of places like Vermont in the winter and think - ah!!! Look at the beautiful snow, I want to live there some day! I thought it would be so much fun to have to bundle up as a family and snuggle by the fire. Well, Now I live in a snowy climate and yes, it is beautiful and fun to bundle up, for a month or so! But, now I must say enough is enough!!!! I love the snow through maybe - December, but I'm done!!! Take a peek at the snow we've been getting!

It is beautiful- even if I had to shovel the driveway! But, lets get real - enough is enough! I used to feel sorry for my friends that lived in warm climates - No white Christmas? No snowmen? No Sledding? But, alas - my feelings have changed!! I need sunshine!! I need warmth! I think I have cabin fever!! I look at the forecast for the upcoming week - you guessed it, blessed with more beauty - snow everyday!!! So to try and keep my sanity, (I know, I didn't have much to begin with!) I keep thinking it will be warm soon - winter doesn't last forever!! So I picture this in my mind!Blossoms! Ahhh
Green! Ahhhh!

Warmth!!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!
Isn't it wonderful to look forward to a new day - a new season!!! Although if doesn't happen fairly soon. I think I might go from this - (Not to great to start with!)
To This!!!!!

I hope the weather changes Soon!!!!!


Christian said...

You guys sure chose a beautiful place. We love your house and your area!

Katie staten said...

I hear ya!!!!! I have Cabin Fever to the max! I too am so sick of the cold. Just give warm for 3 days and maybe I can be happy about Michigan Winters again. Enough is enough! :)

Kasey said...

You are funny. Just think each day is one day closer to spring!!!

AKA Rosa said...

You are a spaz. You crack me up!! I really is beautiful you know!!

Robyn said...

I'm there, with you. Its too cold even for the kids to have fun in! I just have to keep reminding myself that it can't stay like this forever....hopefully.

Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

We are going to Utah for Spring Break to play in the SNOW! We have only had one snow storm this winter that was enough to go sledding. I'm sure you are sick of the white stuff, but I am enjoying your photos! Love the distorted VAlerie

Jodi Gallagher said...

I am so ready for warm weather too! I get stir crazy being stuck inside! Not too much longer to go....

Sonja said...

I love the pictures you took. You are so talented. Doesn't Florida sound fun to visit right now?

The Hoyt Family said...

Remind me where your at ag??? We are moving to Michigan soon and I hear they get alot of snow too... I'm not sure how excited I am yet...

Marissa said...

Thanks for posting pictures of Spring, and flowers, and beauty. I don't have nearly as much snow, but it reminded me how much I love SPRING!!!