On Monday I was determined to have a productive day! I wanted to be able to get to the fun things on my list that I never seem to be able to do. So I decided that I wanted to make a craft and make some cranberry jelly, with cranberries I got on sale. So I did my cleaning chores and turned on my steamer juicer.

It usually takes me about an hour to juice whatever I put in there. So I decided to start my craft at the same time. I decided that I wanted to do letter blocks and I knew we had some scrap wood in the garage. So I marked the wood off where I needed it to be cut and felt confident that I could use the saw. I was so proud that I was brave enough to attempt it on my own. Well, I lifted the saw onto the workbench and was all ready to start, but I couldn't figure out to unlock the safety device to lift the blade!!! Yes, it is childproof! Argh!! I was determined to be crafty! I tried and tried, but no success! Checked on the cranberries - no progress! I decided that if I couldn't do my wood blocks I would think of something else to create - I needed to feel like I accomplished something! So I looked around the house to see what I could find!
I purchased this at a York store for I think $2. I thought it was kind of cute, but it doesn't really go in my house, but I bought it thinking I could transform it. So I turned it around to the back and thought that I could put something fun on the back of it! I decided to put this on it!
I thought that I should Modge Podge it on for some strange reason!! What did it do? It warped it, wrinkled it and basically ruined it! I checked in on the cranberries - under 3 cups of juice - I need 6 cups! Argh!!! I will accomplish something!!! Won't I? Please? I decided to rip of my sign off and start over! So I remade what I had already made once and this is what I accomplished!
I am not sure I am in love with the sign, but I was able to keep up my wreaths and garlands from Christmas up, but hopefully now it looks like it's a Valentines decoration. So, about the jelly, I squished the cranberries several times and had almost 6 cups - Yea!! (It took about 2 hours for the juice) So I thought I would start getting the items ready for the jelly making! I smelt something really weird and I couldn't place it, but I knew it smelt hot! You guessed it, I let the water totally evaporate out of the juicer. This is NOT a good thing to do! I hate to think of what could have happened if I let it go too much longer. Don't worry all was well and I was able to make the jelly! Did you know that I really don't like jelly - it gives me a headache! So I make it for my hubby and kids. I wasn't sure if I would try cranberry again, but Chris came home and tried it and raved about it. It made me happy and I am sure I'll do it again! In spite of the frustrations I actually had fun!
I've never tried cranberry jelly--it sounds tasty! I think your sign turned out really cute--I've had warping problems with mod podge before too. Good for you for sticking to your creativity!
I really like the sign. It turned out really cute.
OH.....I have had plenty of days like that. At least you had a happy ending. Sometimes mine just end up with a garbage that is fuller that I wanted it to be :( Your sign is cute and I would like to try the jelly. Sounds YUMMY!
Val I just love you! I love your sign good job. Its so nice to feel like you accompished something during your day. I think Chris and the girls are pretty dang lucky to have you!
The snow in the background of your newly created craft makes it magical. What a great looking display for your home. You are so talented at putting stuff together.
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