Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cheer Party!!!!

On Friday we had a cold day from school! The wind chill factor was -24 below so school was canceled along with cheer practice. It was the last practice of the season. The dinner party was not canceled which was at our house. Chris worked really hard to get the theater downstairs at least running. We have walls and lights, but now ceiling or flooring. The girls didn't seem to mind and went in to watch videos of earlier competitions. We had lasagna, salad, garlic bread and brownies and ice cream. I think that they all had a great time. They had a great competition the next day and took 2nd. Out of over 300 point they missed 1st by under 2 points! So close!!
They all love the stunting part of cheer!
They always have a party the night before a competition and do their hair and build team spirit!

1 comment:

Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

Oh what fun to have girls! I'm glad I have one!