Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Drop and Shop

I was busy working on things for my church calling and Tiana came in and said, "when you have a moment I started a business that I would like you to come and see." It took me a little too long and in came Tiana again. She told me that she had started a business delivering letters and she was calling it "Drop and Shop." She instructed me that I should write a letter to her and gave me the address to the Drop and Shop! So I wrote her a letter and took it to her place of business.
This is her cute store! I love her desk! I love the picture of herself, the candle and her drink! She showed me where I was to put the mail and thanked me for her letter. I love that she is so creative and the fun things that she comes up with. It cracked me up because she told me, "Mom come and see my store and then you can blog about it!" Is that a bad sign????


Kasey said...

She is darling. I love that idea. Let me know when she opens shop again!!

Melanie, Shayne, Riley, Bently and Jaylen said...

She is so cute! I miss you guys! Your "Love" sign is darling. I love where you put it too! It looks so cute there! I am impressed that you made jelly too. I think that would be fun.

AKA Rosa said...

I just feel bad that you didn't give her a letter for me!

AKA Rosa said...

VAL, I love this Adele song. She is great and I have never heard this one. LOVE IT!!

Jodi Gallagher said...

Tiana we miss you so much! What a fun idea to make your store!

The Mom said...

Hee hee, too funny! I LOVE it!!! Creative kids are the best :) I can't count how many plays and puppet shows we had to videotape with the older kids. Tell Tiana I see a future enterpreneur ;)