Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cabin Fever!!!

I use to look at pictures of places like Vermont in the winter and think - ah!!! Look at the beautiful snow, I want to live there some day! I thought it would be so much fun to have to bundle up as a family and snuggle by the fire. Well, Now I live in a snowy climate and yes, it is beautiful and fun to bundle up, for a month or so! But, now I must say enough is enough!!!! I love the snow through maybe - December, but I'm done!!! Take a peek at the snow we've been getting!

It is beautiful- even if I had to shovel the driveway! But, lets get real - enough is enough! I used to feel sorry for my friends that lived in warm climates - No white Christmas? No snowmen? No Sledding? But, alas - my feelings have changed!! I need sunshine!! I need warmth! I think I have cabin fever!! I look at the forecast for the upcoming week - you guessed it, blessed with more beauty - snow everyday!!! So to try and keep my sanity, (I know, I didn't have much to begin with!) I keep thinking it will be warm soon - winter doesn't last forever!! So I picture this in my mind!Blossoms! Ahhh
Green! Ahhhh!

Warmth!!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!
Isn't it wonderful to look forward to a new day - a new season!!! Although if doesn't happen fairly soon. I think I might go from this - (Not to great to start with!)
To This!!!!!

I hope the weather changes Soon!!!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!

Tiana was sooooo excited that her birthday fell on a half day, and pajama day at school. She felt like she had struck gold!!! I told her that I would pick her up and take her and a few of her friends out to lunch. She could hardly wait! When I picked them up, I looked back at Tiana and I knew that she was starting to get sick - Oh No!!! What do you do? They had been at school together and were all in the car and I decided to just have the party! They went to a McDonalds with a big playland and they had a ball running around. Tia said she had a headache, but had a great time. She missed her friends that are in different school districts and didn't have the afternoon off!

Then we went to our house for cake, games and presents. They had a great time!

These cute little girls live close by and Tiana really loves these girls!

After the party we went out as a family to Fazolis! I could tell she still wasn't feeling well. She tried her best to have fun and every now and then would say, "It stinks to be sick on your Bday!" We went to Activity Days and found out that Tiana was confused and it wasn't until next week! So, Tiana and her dear friend went shopping with me and they seemed to have a good time. It was 9:00 by the time we got home and had cake and presents!
Tiana is really enjoying Littlest Pet Shops right now and she was so happy to get so many for her birthday! She tried so hard to have a great day and it turned out to be one. At about 2am she came into our room and said she was really sick. She had a high fever and sore throat that stuck around for a few days. I am hoping to take her 9 year old pictures tomorrow and I will have to post them later.
Tiana you are such a great blessing in our lives! You bring so much love and sunshine into our home! We are so proud of the fine young lady you have grown into! Love ya! Love ya!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Bedroom Craft

Since the move I have been looking for just the right thing to go over our bed! I wanted to put up some vinyl lettering, but I never came up with the right quote. So here is my boring wall. I know, I need to get rid of the wallpaper, but I don't know what I want to do their either. It isn't a huge room. I love the room for 3 seasons because I can open up the sliding door and it looks out on my flower garden, so I want it to have a very peaceful feel! Anyhoo, I decided that I needed to stop looking for the perfect thing (it's been 18 months) and at least put up something to make it feel like home!
So I found this lovely canvas wall hanging at Hobby Lobby! For some reason it was 66% off! I thought that I would take it home and paint it and try to come up with something cute.
So, I painted it brown, added some ribbon and did a little stenciling on it! I thought it turned out pretty cute and so I decided to go ahead and make 2 more!
I decided that the real message I wanted out of the vinyl was just - I love you - so I stenciled on "love you"!
It actually looks better then it does in the picture. I like it, and at least there is something on the wall! It might not stay there forever, but for under $10 it can stay up on the wall and give me a sense of accomplishment.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gifts from Family!

Grandma and Grandpa M and Aunt Megan love to spoil my girls. Grandma told Tiana that she had sent a package for her birthday and she was so excited! She said something about it a few days later and I said, "You might want to go and check and see if it's on the front porch." Tiana ran out the door and I knew by the squeal that it was there! She brought the package in and was hugging it saying, "My Precious! My precious package!" She cracked us up and couldn't wait to get the package open. Look at what they sent - Can you say s-p-o-i-l-e-d!! Thanks for the gifts!!

Fun Project!

I am trying my very best to fight the winter blues. So, I decided that I better get busy and start making a few things. This is an idea that came from the Joys of Home blog sight and my sister also made one on her blog. It is really easy, fast, cheap and fun! If you want instructions go to Joy of Home listed on my blog list.

Something Sweet!!!

I have this cute little jar that I wanted to fill with something festive!! I saw these cute candy hearts and thought they would look cute in it. I figured I was safe because I don't really like candy, unless it's chocolate. But, then I tasted them ... they are yummy! You can get them at Wal-mart and I thought I'd share a taste treat with you that you don't even have to make!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cookies with Olivia!

Livy is being potty trained and her reward for doing so well was to come over to my house and make cookies with me. I know what you're thinking - not the most amazing reward, but it worked for her. She was sooo cute and so excited. She was giving me lots of hugs and just so excited about it all - melt my heart!!

It was really sweet because she copied my every move! If I put my hand on top of the mixer she had to put her hand on top. She didn't miss a beat! Thanks for such a fun night Liv!!!

Cheer Party!!!!

On Friday we had a cold day from school! The wind chill factor was -24 below so school was canceled along with cheer practice. It was the last practice of the season. The dinner party was not canceled which was at our house. Chris worked really hard to get the theater downstairs at least running. We have walls and lights, but now ceiling or flooring. The girls didn't seem to mind and went in to watch videos of earlier competitions. We had lasagna, salad, garlic bread and brownies and ice cream. I think that they all had a great time. They had a great competition the next day and took 2nd. Out of over 300 point they missed 1st by under 2 points! So close!!
They all love the stunting part of cheer!
They always have a party the night before a competition and do their hair and build team spirit!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Drop and Shop

I was busy working on things for my church calling and Tiana came in and said, "when you have a moment I started a business that I would like you to come and see." It took me a little too long and in came Tiana again. She told me that she had started a business delivering letters and she was calling it "Drop and Shop." She instructed me that I should write a letter to her and gave me the address to the Drop and Shop! So I wrote her a letter and took it to her place of business.
This is her cute store! I love her desk! I love the picture of herself, the candle and her drink! She showed me where I was to put the mail and thanked me for her letter. I love that she is so creative and the fun things that she comes up with. It cracked me up because she told me, "Mom come and see my store and then you can blog about it!" Is that a bad sign????

Crazy Day!

On Monday I was determined to have a productive day! I wanted to be able to get to the fun things on my list that I never seem to be able to do. So I decided that I wanted to make a craft and make some cranberry jelly, with cranberries I got on sale. So I did my cleaning chores and turned on my steamer juicer.

It usually takes me about an hour to juice whatever I put in there. So I decided to start my craft at the same time. I decided that I wanted to do letter blocks and I knew we had some scrap wood in the garage. So I marked the wood off where I needed it to be cut and felt confident that I could use the saw. I was so proud that I was brave enough to attempt it on my own. Well, I lifted the saw onto the workbench and was all ready to start, but I couldn't figure out to unlock the safety device to lift the blade!!! Yes, it is childproof! Argh!! I was determined to be crafty! I tried and tried, but no success! Checked on the cranberries - no progress! I decided that if I couldn't do my wood blocks I would think of something else to create - I needed to feel like I accomplished something! So I looked around the house to see what I could find!

I purchased this at a York store for I think $2. I thought it was kind of cute, but it doesn't really go in my house, but I bought it thinking I could transform it. So I turned it around to the back and thought that I could put something fun on the back of it! I decided to put this on it!

I thought that I should Modge Podge it on for some strange reason!! What did it do? It warped it, wrinkled it and basically ruined it! I checked in on the cranberries - under 3 cups of juice - I need 6 cups! Argh!!! I will accomplish something!!! Won't I? Please? I decided to rip of my sign off and start over! So I remade what I had already made once and this is what I accomplished!

I am not sure I am in love with the sign, but I was able to keep up my wreaths and garlands from Christmas up, but hopefully now it looks like it's a Valentines decoration. So, about the jelly, I squished the cranberries several times and had almost 6 cups - Yea!! (It took about 2 hours for the juice) So I thought I would start getting the items ready for the jelly making! I smelt something really weird and I couldn't place it, but I knew it smelt hot! You guessed it, I let the water totally evaporate out of the juicer. This is NOT a good thing to do! I hate to think of what could have happened if I let it go too much longer. Don't worry all was well and I was able to make the jelly! Did you know that I really don't like jelly - it gives me a headache! So I make it for my hubby and kids. I wasn't sure if I would try cranberry again, but Chris came home and tried it and raved about it. It made me happy and I am sure I'll do it again! In spite of the frustrations I actually had fun!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blog Sadness!

I thought that I was just cleaning off my blog and I accidentally deleted my blog background. I couldn't get "cutest blog on the block" to work so I tried something else and all of the sudden my blog list was gone - so frustrating! So I'm trying to find all of the addresses again. Argh! So I'll have to try and dress it up a little later - not what I wanted to spend my evening doing.

Competition #2

Larisa had another cheer competition. They altered their routine after the last competition and worked really hard at some improvements. They did a great job. It was fun to sit and watch all the different teams on the mat showing their team spirit. It was really fun to watch them all in silence waiting to see who placed in the tournament and then see them erupt with joy when their team was called! They took first place and they all were jumping up and down screaming. It is so much fun for me to watch!

Having fun together!

They all were supposed to wear their medals to school!

Happy New Year?

I know that New Years is supposed to be a time to feel motivated and ready for a new year and clean slate, but I just wasn't feeling it. Could I be suffering from post Christmas depression? Anyhoo, I started thinking of New Years Resolutions and my list of things I wanted to work on was just too long!! I kept thinking, "how have I let myself get so far of track?" So after going through my own struggles in my mind and a new gratitude for the atonement, I think I have a list. So I am going to be brave and post some of them so you can maybe bug me about them.

1. Like 2/3 of the nation, my goal is to shed some poundage! Ahh, I remember the good old days when I was trying to put on weight. I would make myself eat a big bowl of ice cream and go straight to bed! Victory, I would put on about 3 pounds in a month, but would sadly lose it on fast Sunday! It was frustrating for me back then, but I wish someone would make me eat ice cream and go to bed now!! I love to watch Biggest Loser and I always say it motivates me to start my diet, but know that I am watching it eating a stack of 6 Oreos with whole milk - opps I better grab 2 more Oreos so they won't tempt me tomorrow when I start my diet!!! So I have a weight goal in my head now and I really want to just have a healthier diet. For example, instead of eating a pound of Hersheys Kisses in a few days, maybe just have 2 a day!! I find that the satisfaction of yummy chocolate running down my throat usually stops after the first kiss and then its more of a bad habit and wanting to feel the same joy again that the first chocolate brought me. Yes, I know that I need to incorporate more vegetables in my diet, and so far I am doing pretty good! I have been drinking my spinach drink, having salads and trying to get my veggie servings in! Chris made stir-fry the other night and I ate all of the veggies but the snow peas. I honestly thought Chris was going to cry, he was so proud of me!! My goal is to work out regularly at the YMCA! I met with a trainer yesterday and I think I can handle the plan!! MWF I will need to do 30 min of cardio and muscle training and TH will be Zumba classes! So here it is in a nut shell -

-eat healthy


-understand Chocolate is not a food group! (Stink!)

2. I love my house, but I still feel like I am living in the prior owners home. I look at things and think this is the way she decorated it! So, I am going to make it more my home this year. I keep giving the lady that lived here before me the credit for the yard. I have pulled weeds here for a year now - I can claim is as my yard now!! I have had a hard time deciding on how I would change things, but I don't need to make a lot of changes, just enough to say its our home now! So, we just had an electrician leave - the biggest stumbling block to finishing a part of the basement! Larisa is having a cheer party here next weekend - do you think the projector will work- we'll see. I will also start working on painting the girls bathroom when I get all of the Christmas put away.(Yes, I know it's late - too much stuff!!)

3. To have the spirit in our home. Okay, some of this will have to stay personal, but your basic Sunday School answers. I tend to focus on things like cleaning, running errands and entertainment more than on making sure the spirit is on our home every day. I know that if I change and make the spiritual things most important and first on my list that generally the rest of the list becomes easier and falls into place. Now I just need to take the things I know are true and "DO IT"!! I don't know why I choose to make my life harder than It really needs to be.

I've decided that if I make the list any longer that I will only get discouraged and not work on anything! I don't have to wait until the New Year to change! So if I master one of these goals, I can add on after completion. Well I better go and make that yummy, delicious Spinach drink!! Hope you all have a wonderful New Year!

New Years Eve!

On New Years Eve Day the girls and I went to a meeting for church. Do we know how to party or what? Then we left and picked up Larisa's friend and went to see Bedtime Stories. I enjoyed it and thought it was fun. I enjoyed that the theater only charges $2.50! We could even afford popcorn and a drink! We went shopping and then took Larisa's friend home. We stayed at her friends house for a little while. Her sister had just had surgery and wasn't doing very well. It was one of those times you feel helpless - you wish you could take away pain, but find all you can say is I am sorry you hurt. We came home and made pizza. We still need to master the fine art of making a great pizza crust, but the pizza was still yummy!! Tiana had a friend come over and she was able to stay the night - Tia was so happy! We had 2 families come over to ring in the new year. We were all tired at about 9:00, but started playing Apples to Apples and we were shocked when we looked at the clock and it was almost mid-night! The poor little kids were very tired, but they all did well! I can't believe that it is 2009, when did that happen. I think time is moving a lot faster these days! Hope you all had a great New Years Eve! A group of tired kids!

Tiana and her friend Jess! They had a ball together!

Our cute and fun friends Ryan and Katie!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Okay, so in one of my last blogs I bogged about shoveling snow. Well, 2 days later it started raining, in fact 3 days later it reached almost 60 degrees. So all of the snow that I shoveled melted away. It was so weird to look outside and see grass - green grass at that!! I guess you never know what a couple of days will bring. It looks like winter again and I need to do some more shoveling! It was nice to enjoy a little warmth, sunshine and grass for a few days!