I know that New Years is supposed to be a time to feel motivated and ready for a new year and clean slate, but I just wasn't feeling it. Could I be suffering from post Christmas depression? Anyhoo, I started thinking of New Years Resolutions and my list of things I wanted to work on was just too long!! I kept thinking, "how have I let myself get so far of track?" So after going through my own struggles in my mind and a new gratitude for the atonement, I think I have a list. So I am going to be brave and post some of them so you can maybe bug me about them.
1. Like 2/3 of the nation, my goal is to shed some poundage! Ahh, I remember the good old days when I was trying to put on weight. I would make myself eat a big bowl of ice cream and go straight to bed! Victory, I would put on about 3 pounds in a month, but would sadly lose it on fast Sunday! It was frustrating for me back then, but I wish someone would make me eat ice cream and go to bed now!! I love to watch Biggest Loser and I always say it motivates me to start my diet, but know that I am watching it eating a stack of 6 Oreos with whole milk - opps I better grab 2 more Oreos so they won't tempt me tomorrow when I start my diet!!! So I have a weight goal in my head now and I really want to just have a healthier diet. For example, instead of eating a pound of Hersheys Kisses in a few days, maybe just have 2 a day!! I find that the satisfaction of yummy chocolate running down my throat usually stops after the first kiss and then its more of a bad habit and wanting to feel the same joy again that the first chocolate brought me. Yes, I know that I need to incorporate more vegetables in my diet, and so far I am doing pretty good! I have been drinking my spinach drink, having salads and trying to get my veggie servings in! Chris made stir-fry the other night and I ate all of the veggies but the snow peas. I honestly thought Chris was going to cry, he was so proud of me!! My goal is to work out regularly at the YMCA! I met with a trainer yesterday and I think I can handle the plan!! MWF I will need to do 30 min of cardio and muscle training and TH will be Zumba classes! So here it is in a nut shell -
-eat healthy
-understand Chocolate is not a food group! (Stink!)
2. I love my house, but I still feel like I am living in the prior owners home. I look at things and think this is the way she decorated it! So, I am going to make it more my home this year. I keep giving the lady that lived here before me the credit for the yard. I have pulled weeds here for a year now - I can claim is as my yard now!! I have had a hard time deciding on how I would change things, but I don't need to make a lot of changes, just enough to say its our home now! So, we just had an electrician leave - the biggest stumbling block to finishing a part of the basement! Larisa is having a cheer party here next weekend - do you think the projector will work- we'll see. I will also start working on painting the girls bathroom when I get all of the Christmas put away.(Yes, I know it's late - too much stuff!!)
3. To have the spirit in our home. Okay, some of this will have to stay personal, but your basic Sunday School answers. I tend to focus on things like cleaning, running errands and entertainment more than on making sure the spirit is on our home every day. I know that if I change and make the spiritual things most important and first on my list that generally the rest of the list becomes easier and falls into place. Now I just need to take the things I know are true and "DO IT"!! I don't know why I choose to make my life harder than It really needs to be.
I've decided that if I make the list any longer that I will only get discouraged and not work on anything! I don't have to wait until the New Year to change! So if I master one of these goals, I can add on after completion. Well I better go and make that yummy, delicious Spinach drink!! Hope you all have a wonderful New Year!