Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why I love being a mom!!

Do you ever have those hard days where you wonder if you are even doing a good job at being a mother?? I do!! The other day I was feeling really down and was not really enjoying very much about me. I was sad and a little angry!! Tiana came home from school and told me that she was writing an article about me for her classroom paper. She mentioned a few things that she wrote about and my mood improved a lot!! Well, the other day she brought home the article and all I can say is, I love my girls and I have been so blessed to be there mother!! They really are sweet to me!

Here is her article:
by Tiana

My mom is like a shining star.
She is beautiful like the moon.
Her voice is music to my ears.
Because of her, I've become a beautiful young girl like her.
I love my mom too much to say.
Her eyes glisten in the moon light.
Her hair is like the water washing up on the shore.
If you meet her you would say the same.
My mom always has a smile on her face or she's making me laugh.
That is my beautiful, wonderful mom!!

She made me cry. I love you cutie!!
Her principal also liked it and send her this letter-

It did warm my heart!! Here are some pictures that remind of the various emotions of being a mom!

Frustrating - but hilarious moments!

Happy moments!

Love them so much I can hardly breath moments!!!

Oh!!!! I wish I could have lots more children, but I feel so blessed to have the sweet little girls that I do!


Jodi Gallagher said...

What a sweet girl! She is right! You are such a great mom and friend. I found a note you wrote me a few days ago from years ago and it made me cry. You are always concerned about others and always make me feel good. I pray alot for you that you'll be able to have another baby! You are incredible and any baby would be lucky to call you mom. You have installed great values into your girls and given them self confidence! They know how much you love them and I know they love you just as much! Don't ever have negative thoughts about you! You are simply the best! You are so talented and excell in your callings! You are a great example to so many. I miss being close neighbors with you and playing with our girls and going to garage sales and being crazy together. I miss our long talks and just bummin. Well I guess this is a long comment but I just wanted to say I love you and I am lucky to have you as my friend!

Melanie, Shayne, Riley, Bently and Jaylen said...

I don't know what you are are talking about... I NEVER have days when I am down on myself, or feel like a bad mom!!! Today DEFINITELY wasn't one of those days for me... HAHAHAHHAHA!!!

This is beautiful! What a sweet girls you have. We sure are lucky to be moms! I love how you described the "I love them so much I can hardly breath" moments. These are the best moments... this is what we live for :)

Your girls are very lucky to have you!!

Kasey said...

I love it. Such a good writer. Creative!! She has a great parents!!Love the pictures too.

AKA Rosa said...

Sounds like Tiana was an answer to your prayers that day. You are a wonderful mother and they are lucky to have you!!!!

Linda said...

Thanks so much for inviting me to your blog! It is beautiful and so are your girls. And Tiana is so right about her mom. Priceless.

Katie staten said...

awwwww, that is so special and sweet. Tiana has such a good heart. And you are a wonderful person, mother, and friend. Chris will have to fill you in on the wife part. :) I hate those down days, I get them a lot wondering if I'm doing what I should, how I should, when I should and all. We all do our best and improve and learn each day. You're the bomb! Keep it up, mom! Haha, I'm a poet.

Katie staten said...

Sorry it took me so long. For some reason the background was so dark on my iPod, that I couldn't read the words, so sorry it took me forever to get on my prehistoric computer.

Sonja said...

I sure have those down days too. I'm so glad you were able to receive the joy that God intended for all of us as we go through motherhood. You are an inspiration to me and you are an amazing mother.