We are very blessed to live about 15 minutes away from a National Cemetery! Since we don't have any relatives buried near by, we decided to stop and visit this cemetery. I love all of the flags that wind and line the enterance to the large grounds.

We are so extremely blessed to live in this land and I think that the flag is such a beautiful symbol of that blessing. I feel so honored every time I see a flag wave!

The girls were full of questions and I think that they now understand why we celebrate Memorial day! I was reading an article where they asked children at a national monument why we celebrate Memorial day. The number one answer was, "It's the day pools open!" I hope that my girls will now be able to give the right answer and not add to that statistic. For the weekend they place flags on every grave. You can see all of the flags behind us!

I thought a lot today about my husband and his job. Chris has never served in the military, but works with many veterans every day. I know that he is trying his best to help them and today I feel so proud of the work that he does.

It is very humbling to stand here and think of all those who are willing to put their lives on the line for our freedom!

I also feel very blessed by the great example of our fathers who both served in the Korean War. I loved hearing the stories my day would tell of the war(Both fiction and Non fiction). My mom and dad were engaged while my dad was gone to war and to me it is such a great love story!!

This tombstone caught my eye as I saw that he served in 3 different wars!

Then I looked at the back of his tombstone and I was touched by what it said about his wife! What a tribute to be remembered for making others feel special!

Tiana found some rose petals and was excited to add it to a grave!
How grateful I am to live in this wonderful country!! I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day!!
Great picutres. That was a good idea to take your girls.
What a wonderful way to teach your kids about Memorial Day. How cool that you have a place like that nearby. I thought it was sweet... in Jonathans letter home yesterday he said on days like Memorial Day he really missed his grandpa West. His girlfriend went to Grandpa West's grave yesterday and left a flower just for Jonathan!
Looks like a great Memorials Day! Love all the pictures!
i thought it was really neat expirience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♥ Larisa ♥
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