I went to a yard sale and I found this frame for $.75! That's right 75 cents!! Again, it was nice, but didn't match anything at my house! 
So - I painted it black and for a few dollars purchased some cork! I made it into a bulletin board for my laundry room/office! I tacked up the word remember so I could put up things I need to remember! I love the word remember and the power that the word brings in the scriptures!
Well, it really didn't match the decor in that room, so I started to change things around in the room! First, I had to clean the room! Most of you probably don't even know that the room exist, because it is a mess and I have to keep the door shut for my sanity! So, I had to get organized! I cleaned out the cabinet and tried my best to organize! I love these plastic bins! I purchased them at Walmart for $1 each! 
Then I decided I needed to paint the chair black to match the frame! So, the 75 cent frame set off a chain reaction! I like my little room now, but maybe I'll think twice next time I see a cheap frame!!!
I found this lamp at a yard sale for $2 and then found the shade for 25 cents at a different yard sale! The picture says, "Love is patient" a warning sign for me!!! I found it at a yard sale too for $1!
Look at you. You look so organized. It looks good!
Call me next time you go garage sale-shopping--I never find the cute things!
I can see that you follow the same bloggers as me. It's your fault . . . I believe I found my first CRAFTY LADY on your blog. You are just designing on a dime and it looks wonderful!! You are more organized than I am I have decided!
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