Thursday, March 26, 2009


This was Tiana's first year of playing basketball. I can't believe how much she improved in one season. I am actually very sad that the season is over! She is becoming a great rebounder and defender. I am so excited to watch her in the years to come!

Tiana had a cute little team. They are 3rd and 4th graders. There are 3 girls missing from this picture.
Mrs Clancy was one of her coaches. This is what she did when we asked to have her picture taken with Tiana. Tia says its kind of creepy, but I thought it was cute!
Tiana's coach Mrs Geik - she was soo cute with Tia!


AKA Rosa said...

Tia is kind of short for basketball isn't she? It must be hard for her to take a shot with everyone towering over her. How rude that they made her stand on a box in the back!! Oh well, I can relate. Tell her from me that good things come in SHORT packages!!

The Nielsens said...

i know tia hates the pic. with coach clancy, but i think it is so funny and adorable. love
larisa hope