Friday, April 30, 2010

Chris Buckley Memorial

We were so sad to not be at our our dear brother in law's funeral in Colorado, but they had a wonderful memorial in St Louis. We were blessed to be able to make the trip and go and spend a few days with family. They had a nice memorial with wonderful music and spoken word. Chris was asked to speak and he did a great job. It was a nice memorial but such a great loss! I took a picture of this picture at the luncheon following the service. I love it! We will miss Chris Buckley very much!

Chris' family - Mark, Megan, Jackie, Chris and Dianne
The girls - Megan, Jackie and DianneTiana outside at the luncheon


Jodi Gallagher said...

I'm glad you got to attend one of them. So sorry for your guy's loss.

AKA Rosa said...

I am glad you were all able to be there together. I know it meant a lot to the family and to you as well. What beautiful pictures of Tiana!

Katie staten said...

I'm glad you were able to make it to the memorial. I'm so sorry for your loss as well. What a blessing to be able to spend some time together with your family.