Monday, May 3, 2010

Easter Baskets

The girls love to find their Easter baskets. They had a hard time finding them this year! Larisa said she thought of a lot of great places to hide them while she was looking! They love the hallow bunnies. They love to cut off the ear and fill them with milk and then break up the ears and make chocolate milk. Does it taste good? Not really, but it is tradition. They also enjoy getting a church CD in their baskets. This year they really liked getting new CTR rings!

Larisa loved the new zebra print basket that she can use in her bedroom for girly things!
Just what Tiana didn't need, 2 more monkey LPS!!! She was excited about them!


Katie staten said...

Fun happy Easter traditions. We've never tried the milk through a hollow bunny before. We may just have to try it. And then I could eat the chocolate. :)

Melanie, Shayne, Riley, Bently and Jaylen said...
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Melanie, Shayne, Riley, Bently and Jaylen said...

Oh how I love the hollow chocolate bunny tradition!

AKA Rosa said...

You are right.... it doesn't taste that good but.... TRADITION IS TRADITION!!!! Maybe it is because the hallow bunnies are made of not so super chocolate!!

AnnaBanana said...

I heard about many traditions in YW on sunday, somehow this one was not mentioned. Probably because your family has so many to choose from! :) Cute, Cute!


Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

Hey Valerie! How is it going? Your girls are growing up so beautiful!

I stumbled across this person:

Linda Clark Vance

she was a roomie of Janet, Alex, Karen, and you! I really do not recognize her, because Brad and I were gone from Pinewood..

She has a really great sense of humor and I like reading her insights!

Just thought I would pass it along

Debbie said...

Your girls are growing up-- and absolutely gorgeous!! Love the Easter baskets too!