Today was a busy, happy, fun day for Larisa. First - Larisa had try-outs for the middle school cheerleading team. They were going to let the girls know if they made it after the try-outs! I went to pick her up and found her grinning ear to ear and jumping around! I could tell she had made it before I talked to her! She was sooo happy! Then the youth were coming to our house for an activity - but she had a choir concert! She was excited to perform though, and she kept that grin throughout the performance! The choir sounded beautiful!! She was really excited to come home and find that the youth were still at our home and that she didn't completely miss the entire activity! We are so proud of her and the effort that she puts into things. We love you Larisa!!
About the picture - Larisa was on the back row and the girl in front of her must have worn high heels - I couldn't see Larisa well enough to get a great picture - just her head peeking out every now and then with a big smile! I took this picture at the Bible church where she performed.