Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Million Meals for Haiti!!

We were able to participate in a really awesome advent sponsored by the Salvation Army. They were working with another corporation to send 1,000,000 to Haiti. We signed up as a s Relief Society to help and it was an amazing experience!! We spent our time measuring, weighing, filling and sealing bag of food. IT was so fun to work as a ward and community to help people miles and miles away!! My girls loved it and we stayed an extra shift! We tried hard to break records and get as much done as we could! We had such a great time that on Sunday after Stake Conference - we went back to do more!! This time we brought our friends the Storm brothers with us! They moved here from Haiti a few weeks before the earthquake and they were pleased to be able to help out some of their friends in Haiti! Thanks Chris - it was father's day and he was willing to skip out on having a nice dinner and head over and help!!
Tiana measuring out the Soy
Larisa Sealing the bags!
Tiana weighing the bags!
What an amazing experience!!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

sounds like a really wonderful and meaningful experience!