Monday, May 3, 2010

Coloring Eggs

I always look forward to coloring eggs! It is so much fun to see what colors you can create by dipping and re-dipping! I look around blog land and I see lots of fancy ways to color them, but I really like the traditional. My favorite is when my girls present me with an egg that they have made just for me!! I love spending the time with my family!

Larisa is talking to her dad in the picture - I love her expression!
Tia waiting for the fun to begin!
Did you know where the tradition of coloring eggs on Easter started?? I read the other day that is started by coloring them red to represent the blood that Christ so freely gave.


Jodi Gallagher said...

We love coloring eggs at our house too! I like the traditional style too!

Katie staten said...

Thanks for sharing about the eggs and how the tradition started. I always wondered about that. I like traditional as well, but the other day my 3 year old neice used a paintbrush and painted random colors on an egg for about 15 minutes. It turned out so cool.

AKA Rosa said...

2 thumbs WAYYYYY up on sticking with just the plain and simple egg dying. My FAVORITE :)