Friday, April 30, 2010

Pistons Basketball

Tiana had a great year of basketball this year!! She has really learned to love it It is so fun to watch her grow in her understanding of the sport! Their team was the first team to have every girl on the team make a basket and they received a special award for it! Tia made 24 points this season, which is really great because she missed 2 games and played defense! She had a great coach and she made new friends. Basketball is my favorite sport to watch and I am always sad when the season is over. I loved watching her make a basket and see the joy on her face!!! I love watching her snatch the ball, getting the tip off and watching her learn that her long arms are a huge advantage in the sport!!! One of the funniest moments for me was when a player was trying to steal the ball from her and Tiana yanked the ball and with the ball came the player attached and about a foot off the ground!! I am already looking forward to next year!!!
Tiana was so excited to find out that her friend Brielle was on her team!!
Tiana and her coach Brett Wild! He did a great job and we loved getting to know their family!

The line up before the game - Can you spot Tiana????
Yea Tiana!!
I can hardly wait for next year!!!


AKA Rosa said...

I am so proud of you Tiana. Most people would shy away from playing basketball being as short as you are. You don't let that stop you do ya!! I can relate.... I had the opposite problem in school. Because I was so tall people ALWAYS assumed that I played basketball;)

Katie staten said...

I couldn't fid Tiana in the pictures. Which # is she?
Way to go Tiana. I wish I could have been there to see her pull the ball up with a player attached to it. Tia will have to play some one on one this summer.